06 November 2014

Thank you Allah.

Alhamdulillah, we made it! I made it!
Despite all of my problems, I can still focus on the most important thing -- SPP interview!
Thank you, Allah for today. YOU made everything went easier in today's event.
Thank you, dear friends for everything, too.
Thank you, teammates for today. You guys are so awesome! ^_^
Thank you, Tuan Haji. You are so sporting, and of course, soalan tuan haji walaupun agak susah, Tuan Haji tetap terima semua jawapan walaupun sebenarnya jawapan yang diberikan aren't good enough (or maybe he just too tired to listen? Hihi). Malah, you still gave us advice and tips for being a good teacher one day.
And last but not least, thank you too, Tuan PPD. :)

InsyaAllah, moga dimurahkan rezeki untuk posting awal.
Dan all the best for final exam next week guys!
Bittaufiq wannajah! ^_^